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2.Che Junhui, Zhao Ping*, 2021: Characteristics of the summeratmosphericboundary layer height over the Tibetan Plateau and influential factors. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 5253-5268.
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4.Zhou Changyan, Zhao Ping*, Chen Junming, 2019: The Interdecadal Change of SummerWater Vapor over the Tibetan Plateau and Associated Mechanisms. J Climate, 32, 4103-4119.
5.Li Na, Zhao Ping*, Wang Jingfeng, Deng Yi, 2019: Estimation of surface heat fluxes over the central Tibetan Plateau Using the maximum entropy production model. JGR-Atmosphere,DOI:10.1029/2018JD029959。
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7.Nan Sulan, Zhao Ping*, Chen Junming, 2018: Variability of summertime Tibetan tropospheric temperature and associated precipitation anomalies over the central-eastern Sahel. Climate Dynamics, Doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4246-8
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9.Qian Tingting, Zhao Ping*, Zhang Fuqing, BaoXinhua, 2015:Rainy-Season Precipitation over the Sichuan Basin and Adjacent Regions inSouthwestern China. Month Weather Review, 143, 383-394.
10.Wang Yuanxiang, Zhao Ping*, Xu Haiming, and Liu Ge, 2015:Anomalies of Northern Hemisphere ozone associated with a tropopause-lower stratosphere teleconnection during summer. International Journal of Climatology,doi: 10.1002/joc.4386.
11.Zhong Lingzhi, Mu Rong, Zhang Dalin, Zhao Ping*, et al., 2015:An Observational Analysis of Warm-Sector Rainfall Characteristics Associated With the 21 July 2012 Beijing Extreme Rainfall Event. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 120,DOI:10.1002/2014JD022686.
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14.Zhao Ping, Wang Bin, Zhou Xiuji,2012:Northern Hemisphere summer monsoon and hydroclimate anomalies associated with the Asian-Pacific Oscillation.ClimateDynamics,39, 1197-1207.
15.Zhao Ping, Yang Song,et al.,2012:Asian origin of interannual variations of summer climate over the extratropical North Atlantic Ocean.Journal ofClimate, 25, 6594-6609.
16.Zhao Ping, Zhu Yani, Zhang Qin,2012:A summer weather index in the East Asian pressure field and associated atmospheric circulation and rainfall.InternationalJournal ofClimatology, 32, 375-386.
17.Nan Sulan, Zhao Ping*, 2012: Snowfall over Central China and Asian Atmospheric Cold Source in January. InternationalJournal ofClimatology, 32, 888-899.
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21.Wang Yuanxiang,Zhao Ping*,et al.,2010: Inter-decadal Variability of Tibetan Spring Vegetation and Its Associations with Eastern China Spring Rainfall. InternationalJournal ofClimatology,30,856–865.
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